Friday, April 18, 2008

Yokoyama Yu (K8)

Name: Yokoyama Kimitaka
Nickname: Yoko, Yu
Age: 25
Birthday: May 9, 1981
Birthplace: Osaka, Japan
Zodiac: Taurus
Height: 176cm (approx. 5'8")
Weight: 74kg (approx. 165lbs)
Fave Color: Black
Eito Ranger: Black
Fave Food: Melon
Specialties: Comedian, great speaker
Dramas: P.S. Genki Desu, Shunpei; Don't Worry!
The eldest member and official leader of the group.
He changed his name after he was constantly called "Yu" oddly enough, Johnny hasn't called him since.
His mom made him audition for JE
He may be one of the funniest guys in the group, but he's really sincere when he's thanking the audience.
Loves to talk, once he interrupted Hina's story...Hina turned out to be pissed...and Yoko just continued (on Domoto Kyoudai)
Writes the songs for 3Kyoudai, or at least some of them.
He recently appeared in a drama with Ohno Satoshi of Arashi...i forget the name of it though...
He hosts a radio show with Murakami Shingo.
Aiba Masaki from Arashi claims that Yoko is one of his better I read in an Arashi article....o_O although this may not be true? haha i have no idea! -_-'
I honestly don't know much about him...i need to work on that.

Uchi Hiroki (K8)

Name: Uchi Hiroki
Nickname: Uchi
Age: 20
Birthday: October 9, 1986
Birthplace: Osaka, Japan
Zodiac: Virgo
Height: 176cm (approx. 5'8")
Weight: 52kg (approx. 115lbs)
Fave Color: Black, Dark Blue
Eito Ranger:...technically Pink
Fave Food: Chocolate Ice Cream
The youngest member of K8, the baby of the group.
Was suspended for under age drinking, but his absence has been long overdue, many speculate that he will return at the 2006-2007 Johhny's Countdown.
Also a member of NewS like Nishikido Ryo, they are good friends.
Has the highest voice i've ever heard from a Johnny O_O
He was the lead singer of V. West and played a little guitar.
Is known for crying...
He's so skinny that I sometimes think he's anorexic, this boy needs muscle!
This is just my opinion....I think he looks like a combination of Takizawa Hideaki and Yamashita Tomohisa...I dunno why, certain angles he looks like a REALLY skinny Takki, and other angles when he's not smiling he kinda reminds me of Yamapi

Shibutani Subaru (K8)

Name: Shibutani Subaru
Nickname: Subaru, Baru, Shibutani-kun
Age: 25
Birthdate: September 22, 1981
Birthplace: Osaka
Zodiac: Virgo
Fave Color: Red
Eito Ranger: Red
Fave Food: Yakiniku (Grilled meats---awesome food)
Specialties: Plays guitar, "lead" singer, has the infamous "stare"
Personally, I think his voice has changed since their debut...honestly i think it was better back then, but hey i still love to listen to him.
He's a member of 3kyoudai (he's the youngest brother, Baru) and Subaru BAND-now known as Subaru and OkuraBAND (obviously)
This guy has a voice for grandmother loves him.
He left the Kansai Jrs for a little while and moved to Tokyo when he was around 17.
This is where he became popular because the Kanto Jrs had all the fame and popularity
Takki and Tsubasa were the leader of the Jrs, Subaru became one himself

Yasuda Shota (K8)

Name: Yasuda Shota (安田章大)
Nickname: Yasu, Yassan, Sho-chan, Kacchin
Birthday: 1984.09.11
Zodiac sign: Virgo
Birthplace: Hyogo, Japan
Height: 164.5 cm
Weight: 56 kg
Shoe Size: 26 cm
Blood Type: A
Family: Parents, older sister, niece
Fav. food: Curry
Disliked food: Natto
Instrument: Guitar

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Okura Tadayoshi (K8)

My fav member in kanjani 8!!!! Name: Okura Tadayoshi
Nickname: Tacchon, Tatsuyoshi
Age: 22
Birthday: May 16, 1985
Birthplace: Osaka, Japan
Height: 178cm (approx. 5'8")
Weight: 62kg (approx. 137lbs)
Blood Type: O
Eito Ranger: Green
Fave Food: Natto, rice, miso soup
Fave Colors: Black, green, white
Specialties: Drummer, does the real ero ero dance, has a low voice for a johnny
Dramas: Cinderella ni Naritai, Kamerishi, Double, Utahime
He's the tallest member and is also the youngest since Uchi Hiroki left. (reminds me of the clip where Yassu was standing next to Jimmy Mackey and commented that he could only see up his nose, just like his view of standing near Okura)
He respects Morita Go from V6, he is the reason that Okura joined JE
His nickname Tacchon, was given to him by Yassu. He said that he's okay with being called just Okura though. Shingo and Yoko call him Tatsuyoshi because they claim it's too hard to pronounce Tadayoshi.
You can check out his current weird nicknames on K8's appearance on Utaban...the same ep. with the Shocking Game! Okura is part of Kanjimi3 and Subaru BAND which is now named OkuraBAND.
He is the drummer.
He's only become popular recently, a few years ago not too many fans knew he existed, now he's one of the hottest celebs! Nishikido Ryo told JE that Okura deserved more camera time.
Murakami Shingo once commented that Okura is the most boring member of k8---i guess that's his way of saying that Okura is mellow, he also commented that Okura tends to space out during conversations. ^___^
He is the quiet and more reserved type, though there are those few moments where he shows his true Osaka self. He's known to be the naughtiest Kanjani8 member....especially when he dances

Nishikido Ryo (K8 & NEWS)

Name: Nishikido Ryo
Nickname: Ryo chan
Age: 22
Birthday: November 3, 1984
Birthplace: Osaka, Japan
Height:170cm (approx. 5'6")
Weight: 52kg (approx. 115lbs)
Specialties: Plays guitar and harmonica, one of the better dancers in K8
Eito Ranger: Yellow
Fave Color: Yellow
Fave Food: Rice and Ume
Dramas: Ichi Rittoru no Namida, Attention Please!, Ganbatte Ikimashoo, Teru Teru Kazoku Also a member of NewS
With Subaru, he gets most of the lead parts in K8 songs
Out of all the K8 members, he has done the most dramas.
He's been voted the most popular member of the group on numerous occasions.
He's one of those johnny's that was so tiny (like sakurai sho of arashi) and grew up so fast in one huge spurt....he was a total shrimp!
He has done solo songs, "Secret Agent Man", "Reesu (Race)", "Ai Igaino Nandemonai"
He loves his rice, he's also a very good cook (considering he looks like the type that has never been in the kitchen)
He was pretty tight with Uchi Hiroki

Murakami Shingo (K8)

Name: Murakami Shingo
Nickname: Hina
Age: 24
Birthday: January 26, 1982
Zodiac: Aquarius
Birthplace: Osaka, Japan
Blood Type: AB
Height: 170cm (approx. 5'6")
Weight: 57kg (approx. 126lbs)
Specialties:Is the MC of the group
Eito Ranger: Purple (Nasu!)
Fave Color: Green
Fave Food: Rice and Noodles
Dramas: Never Land (Shinohara Kanji), Mama Chari Deka Shingo got his nickname when he entered the Juniors, everyone thought he looked like the actress who was named Hina. He is also the MC of the group and also leads the conversations when they make appearances. He claims that between him and Yoko, one of them is always singing off key or dancing off beat.K8 members refer to hims as "B Gatan"-Blood Type B Monster for his aggravated nature.
He hosts a radio show with Yokoyama

Maruyama Ryuhei (K8)

Name: Maruyama ര്യൂഹെഇ Nickname: Maru
Age: 22
Birthday: November 26, 1983
Birth Place: Kyoto, Japan
Zodiac: Sagittarius
Blood Type: A
Height: 174cm (approx. 5'7")
Weight: 60kg (approx. 132 lbs)
Fave Colors: Red, black, green, white
Eito Ranger: Orange
Specialties: The Bass Guitarist of the group, he also does a lot of their raps. Fun guy.

He is one of the 3 members in Kanjimi3
He's also in SubaruBAND, now called OkuraBAND...although I don't think he and Yassu are in OkuraBAND.
He's known to say PAAAAAAAN!
Maru is one of the nicest Johnny's, he never yells at the kouhai, he rarely gets mad according to other members of k8.
He's also a part of the comedic duo yamada with Yasuda Shota.
He has a major sweet tooth.

Kanjani 8

Kanjani8 was originally made up of 8 guys: Maruyama Ryuuhei, Yasuda Shota, Okura Tadayoshi, Murakami Shingo, Nishikido Ryo, Yokoyama Yu, Shibutani Subaru, and Uchi Hiroki. Now they perform as 7 due to Uchi's dismissal for underage drinking a while back, many fans are expecting him to return. Nishikido Ryo and Uchi Hiroki were also members of the suspended group NEWS
Maruyama, Yasuda, Okura, and Uchi were once part of the group known as V. West which was later disbanded. The 5 were then added to the most popular Kansai Jr. which would make up Kanjani8 (Kansai Johnny 8).

Monday, April 07, 2008

Nakamaru Yuichi (KAT-TUN)

Name: Nakamaru Yuichi
Nickname: Maru, Yuu
Birthdate: September 4, 1983
Zodiac: Virgo
Age: 23
Birthplace: Tokyo, Japan
Height: 176cm
Weight: 55kg
Specialties: the human beatbox, comic
He is the oldest member of KATTUN, and probably has the best bod.
You will always hear him beatboxing in KATTUN songs
He is half of the comedy duo TaNaka with Tanaka Koki
He has been writing songs for KATTUN
When Kame isn't doing the talking, I believe he steps in
He actually has a pretty nice voice...we just don't hear it that often...... isn't he cute??? hehehehe =D

Ueada Tatsuya (KAT-TUN)

Name: Ueda Tatsuya
Nickname: Tat-chan, Ueda
Birthplace: Kanagawa, Japan The official leader of KATTUN
He plays a pretty good guitar
He rarely speaks....seems very reserved
I honestly think his voice is too poppish (that's probably not even a word lol) for rock, but he really wants to pursue rock, similar to Shibutani Subaru of Kanjani8....but Subaru actually has a rock does Jin actually....his voice is a lot higher than i thought it would be.

Tanaka Koki (KAT-TUN)

Name: Tanaka Koki
Birthdate: November 5, 1985
Zodiac: Scorpio
Age: 21
Birthplace: Chiba, Japan
Height: 170cm
Weight: 55kg
Specialties: Rap
Dramas: My Boss My Hero, Takusan no Ai wo Arigatoo, Kindachi Shounen no Jikenbo-Kyuuketsuki Densetsu Satsujin Jiken, Never Land, Tenshi ga Kieta Machi i will find more info about him later......

Taguchi Junnoske (KAT-TUN)

Name: Taguchi Junnosuke
Nickname: Junno
Birthdate: November 29, 1983
Zodiac: Sagittarius
Age: 22
Birthplace: Kanagawa, Japan
Height: 180cm (approx 5'8") he's pretty tall for a Johnny
Weight: 62kg (approx. 136lbs)
Specialties: Tap dancing, acrobatics He's got a weird sense of humor....just check out the clip with Jin and the nori
He has taken up a great liking to tap dancing
He's actually pretty photogenic, like Shige from NewS, they look REALLY good in some shoots.
He looks like he's the most innocent out of the group lol....but who knows hahahaha
I will try to find more info on him later...

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Akanishi Jin (KAT-TUN)

Name: Akanishi Jin Nicknames: Jin or Akanishi Birthday: July 4, 1984 Birth Place: Tokyo Blood Type: O Height: 175.6 Weight: 57 kg Shoe Size: 26.5cm Best Friends: Kame﹐山下智久,長谷川純,Jimmy Respected Elder: Kimura Takuya Eye sight: Both 1.5 Family: Dad, Mom, younger brother Hobbies: Anything to do with music, collect stuff, and sleep Most Precious Thing: Friends and Family Childhood Dream: Be a famous Pool Player Sleep Time: 7 hours When he joined Johnny's JR: 1998/11 Wants to go to: America Favourite Part of Body: Hair Favourite Food: BBQ, Pizza, this kind of japanese Plum Favourite Drink: Tomatoe Juice, Sports Drink, Tea Favourite Subject: Physicial Education Favourite Sport: Soccer, Baseball, K-1 Favourite Colour: Red, Black, White and Silver Favourite Flower: Sakura Favourite Season: Spring Favourite Place to go: Home, this Tea place, and go outside must go out to shop or walk around no matter what Type of Girl: Very outgoing, nice, caring, intresting Most Hated Subject: English Most Hated Colour: Golden Yellow Scared of: Getting up early, English, Snakes, Bugs and Rats or mouse

Kamenashi Kazuya (kat-tun)

Name: Kamenashi Kazuya
Nickname: Kame
Birthdate: February 23, 1986
Zodiac: Pisces
Age: 20
Birthplace: Tokyo, Japan
Height: 172cm
Weight: 54kg
Dramas: Nobuta wo Produce, Sappuri, Gokusen 2, Kindaichi Shounen no Jikembo, 3 nen B gumi Kinpachi Sensei 5, Tatta Hitotsu no Koi (with Tanaka Koki) Kame is the rising star of JE, there are many hopes that he will surpass Kimura Takuya, but honestly I don't think that will happen, at least not right now. The poor guy says that he's so stressed and that he doesn't get much sleep, doesn't eat well.
He strikes me as a loner....probably because of his perfectionist personality, but I guess that's not true.
He's part of Akame with Akanishi Jin.
He's definitely the most popular member of KATTUN, he appears on tv the most, debuted before the group did (controversial issue)


KATTUN is the most recent addition to JE's debuted artists. Their name is consists of the first letter of their family names: Kamenashi, Akanishi, Taguchi, Tanaka, Ueda, and Nakamaru. It was made to sound like "cartoon". They debuted in March 2006 with Real Face, the limited addition was sold out and was sold out overseas as well. They have surpassed all sales for JE. They also released a DVD at the same time.
Akanishi Jin actually retired from the group to pursue studies in America for English in October 2006.
Domoto Koichi from Kinki Kids chose them as his backdancers, which began their career as KATTUN.
There's just so much info about them, i don't know if i can't fit it all here, nor that i can remember it all at once lol.
They're actually not KATTUN anymore...Akanishi Jin went to the US to further his studies in English...but the group claims to continue performing.
Ueda Tatsuya is the offical leader of the group.
They collaborated with Kanjani8 in Dream Boys 2006 and they also did Summary with NewS.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Masuda Takahisa (NewS)

Name: Masuda Takahisa
Nickname: Massu
Birthdate: July 4, 1986
Age: 21
Birthplace: Tokyo, Japan
Height: 170cm
Weight: 60kg
Fave Food: Unagi (eel)
Dramas: 3 nen B gumi Kinpachi Sensei, Musashi, Gekidan Engimono le ga Tooi, Gachibaka, Dandori: Dance Drill, Waraeru Koi wa Shitakunai, Hontou ni Atta Kowai Hanashi

Friday, March 28, 2008

Yamashita Tomohisa (NewS)

Name: Yamashita Tomohisa, born Monatsu Tomohisa
Nickanme: Yamapi, Pi-chan, Pi
Birthdate: April 9, 1985
Age: 21
Zodiac: Aries
Birthplace: Chiba, Japan
Height: 174cm
Weight: 54kg
Dramas: Lunch Queen, Dragon Zakura, Sore wa Totsuzen Arashi no you ni, Stand Up!, Long Love Letter, Ikebukuro West Gate Park, Kabachitare!, Nobuta wo Produce, Kurosagi, Byakkotai, Proposal Daisakusen, Kurosagi Movie

Tegoshi Yuya (NewS)

Name: Tegoshi Yuya
Birthdate: November 11, 1987
Age: 19
Birthplace: Kanagawa, Japan
Height: 52kg
Weight: 165cm
Dramas: Hyoten (2006), My Boss My Hero (2006), Gachi Baka (2006), Gekidan Engimono (2005), Division 1 Stage 13: 15 Sai no Blues (2005)
Movies: Shissou (2005)

Koyama Keiichiro (NewS)

Name: Koyama Keiichiro
Birthplace: Tokyo, Japan
Birthdate: May 1, 1984
Zodiac: Taurus
Age: 23
Height: 175cm
Weight: 53kg
Drama: Kurosagi Ep. 2, Hana Yome wa Yakudoshi, Kanojo ga Shijatta, Nurse Aoi, Gekidan Engimono, Yukan Club, Lost Time Life

Kato Shigeaki (NewS)

Name: Kato Shigeaki
Nickname: Shige
Birthdate: July 11, 1987
Age: 19
Birthplace: Osaka, Japan
Height: 175cm
Weight: 55kg
A former member of J-Support and K.K.Kitty.
Has starred in numerous dramas
Sugata Sanshiro as Sugata Sanshiro (2007)
Papa to Musume no Nanokakan as Osugi Kenta (2007)
Kakure Karakuri as Abe Tomonari (2006)
Gekidan Engimono Car Radio ga Owareba (2006)
Busu no Hitomi ni Koishiteru as Shimizu Kota (2006)
Gekidan Engimono Ie ga Tooi (2005)
3 nen B gumi Kinpachi Sensei 6 as Hasegawa Ken (2002)