Friday, April 18, 2008

Shibutani Subaru (K8)

Name: Shibutani Subaru
Nickname: Subaru, Baru, Shibutani-kun
Age: 25
Birthdate: September 22, 1981
Birthplace: Osaka
Zodiac: Virgo
Fave Color: Red
Eito Ranger: Red
Fave Food: Yakiniku (Grilled meats---awesome food)
Specialties: Plays guitar, "lead" singer, has the infamous "stare"
Personally, I think his voice has changed since their debut...honestly i think it was better back then, but hey i still love to listen to him.
He's a member of 3kyoudai (he's the youngest brother, Baru) and Subaru BAND-now known as Subaru and OkuraBAND (obviously)
This guy has a voice for grandmother loves him.
He left the Kansai Jrs for a little while and moved to Tokyo when he was around 17.
This is where he became popular because the Kanto Jrs had all the fame and popularity
Takki and Tsubasa were the leader of the Jrs, Subaru became one himself

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